
This page contains a collection of reports/presentations/websites that are relevant to this project (more links to be added shortly).

Reports on Standardisation

The Future of Computer Trading in Financial Markets: An International Perspective. Government Office For Science/Foresight, 2012

Computer Trading in Financial Markets: Driver Review 31. Kevin Houstoun/Foresight, 2012.

The Economics of Standardization: An Update. Peter Swan, Innovative Economics Limited, 2010

Websites on Standardisation

Computer Trading in Financial Markets: View all Driver Reviews


FIX Protocol

The ACTUS Project

BSI - What is a Standard?

Books on Standardisation

Blind (2004) "The Economics of Standards". Edward Elgar Publishing

Brammertz et al. (2009) "Unified Financial Analysis: The Missing Links of Finance". John Wiley and Sons

Camfferman and Zeff (2007) "Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of the International Accounting Standards Committee". Oxford University Press

Academic Papers on Standardisation

Bernhofen, El-Sahli and Kneller (2013) "Estimating the Effects of the Container Revolution on World Trade". CESifo Working Paper Series No. 4136

Cargill (2011) "Why Standardization Efforts Fail". Journal of Electronic Publishing 14(1)

Chan and Wong (2006) "Motivations for ISO 14001 in the hotel industry. Tourism Management 27(3)

Chan and Milne (2013) "The Global Legal Entity Identifier: Will It Deliver?"